Friday, December 28, 2018


A goal without a plan is just a dream. I really don't know if I made this up, or I heard it somewhere. It has really resonated with me.  Seriously, think about it! A goal without a plan is JUST a dream! We tend not to act on things when they are just a dream. So make the plan and achieve your goals!

Well, the holidays are finally over. Thank goodness. I like the lead up to Christmas, I just don't like the actual date. It really is a lot of work! Worst part is that I have still been eating like shit. Haven't been working out as diligently. I've been drinking my wine, LOTS of carbs (so needless to say my stomach feels like shit) and of course sugar. That demon sugar! I have just a little bit and it makes me want to binge!

End of year. Time to make my plans. I have never been one to do New Years Resolutions, as I feel that just saying that dooms me to failure.

What do I want to accomplish this year? Truthfully?

I want to lose another 50 lbs.
I want to ride the Oro Medonte rail trail to Barrie.
I want to consistently eat better so that I don't have stomach issues.
I want to participate in some sort of sports competition. Mudderella or the Barrie Tri.
I want to sell my company for the amount of money that I feel it should sell for.

So, with the exception of the last one, what is my why? And how am I going to achieve these things?

Lost 50 lbs: Why? Because I am sick to death of my body aching. Because I hate the way that I look when I see myself naked. Because I know that sex will be better without it.

How will I do this? Here is my plan. From now (December 28th) until I leave for Jamaica (March 9th), I will eat on plan. No bread. No alcohol. No added sugar. I will preplan my meals, and pack snacks every day. I will get some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Even if it means walking around the building at work.

Riding the rail trail and participating in the competition event: I will increase the amount of strength training I do at they gym. Use the Beachbody workouts to help me with that. Increase my stamina so that I can jog for at least 10 kms. I think if I can get to the 10 km mark I will be able to do the activities.

So, these are my goals, and these are how I intend to achieve them. No more dreaming!

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