Monday, February 23, 2015

How Did I Get Here?

I think I used to be fabulous. Seriously. I did things that people find envious.

After dropping out of university after 2nd year (really wasn't for me), I moved west and lived in a beautiful ski resort town and worked at a grand hotel.

After a couple of years there, I hit the road and started backpacking around Australia. I worked when I needed to, spent most of my time at the beach working on a tan, and lets face it....I partied. I worked in the middle of the dessert, and worked at Expo. I created life long friends, and so many happy memories.

Then I came home. Why? I keep asking myself this question. Truthfully, I was kind of lost. Sick of living out of a backpack, missing my family and needing to set some roots somewhere. I couldn't extend my visa anymore, and I couldn't afford to apply for residency. I figured I would come home for a couple of years, make some money and go back. I've been home for 27 years now.

Fast forward....

I've now been married for 20 years. I run a manufacturing company. I am a mother to a 19 year old. I am peri-menopausal. I am on the edge of turning 29 for the 21st time. Sorry....still can't say that age. I am wondering how I got here.

These will be my tales from the edge of middle age.

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